Sunday, January 26, 2020

CQQ #31: Is Divorce Really Taboo...?

Is a broken marriage still a marriage?

Incoming controversial topic. Tread carefully.

Some Christians feel trapped in unhappy marriages due to the stigma behind divorce. And when some churches turn a blind eye to serious marital problemssome leaning so strictly on the "divorce is never allowed because God hates divorce" side of the fence)this can be understandably frustrating especially for those married to an abusive spouse.

But is all divorce really so taboo as those churches often treat it?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

CQQ #30: Introverts in the Church...?

Feeling out-of-place in church?

As a fellow introvert, I can understand the struggles of those trying to deal with a society that highly favors an extroverted mindset. Doubly challenging for the introverted Christ-follower, who's often told how to function in the church in a way that may go against their natural "programming"; they can be pressured to involve themselves in mission trips, tons of socializing, public speaking, large crowds, keeping up with many relationships, face-to-face sharing of the gospel, working directly with other people...

And yet, the way churches often function in today's world makes it seem like introverts are less important or not as useful. Such treatment can even cause them to experience false guilt or feel out-of-place in the church, unable to live up to such social standards.

Can a person be both an introvert and serve Christ to the fullest?

Sunday, January 12, 2020

CQQ #29: Taming Toxic Thoughts...?

Do you struggle to tame the flood in your mind?

Thank you, Michelle Fruth, for inspiring this topic!

As someone who is all too familiar with intrusive thoughts (and had also written a poem/song long ago describing such a struggle, which you can also check out here), I can relate. The battle of the mind can indeed be just as (if not greater) than a number of hurdles we may face outside of our heads. Mental/emotional wellness is especially vital, yet often misunderstood or not taken as seriously as it should be, especially when compared to physical issues.

So how can we tame those unwanted thoughts?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

CQQ #28: New Year's Resolutions...?

A push in the right direction or a waste of time and energy?

Happy New Year!

For those who don't know (or live someplace where this doesn't exist), New Year's resolutions is the common practice of setting any number of goals expected to be met throughout the brand new year. (It's basically an annual to-do list.) Some say they're beneficial while others say they do more harm than good.

Perhaps it's the pressure of commitment or the high expectations given to oneself that discourages some from making such plans. Or perhaps it's that reminder to push oneself toward positive changes that encourages others to stick to their plans.

Which side of the fence are you on?