Wednesday, November 21, 2018

CQQ #2: Is This Gambling...?

Looks innocent...or is it? (Dun dun duuuun...)

Before you think about quickly passing judgment, just read—I mean really read—and think about it. Gambling has its legal restrictions and is considered illegal in a number of locations. But have you considered where gambling could be found in legal, more "innocent" or indirect forms?
Let's first ask ourselves, "what is gambling?"
Gambling is the act of betting your money (or something of value) in a game of chance (an event with an uncertain outcome) in hopes of winning a prize. When we think of gambling, we usually think of casinos and similar means of illegal activity involving money.
Now think about those carnival, festival, or state fair vendor booth games; you pay actual money to participate in their game for a chance to win a prize. Or those local arcade games where you pop in some quarters (or tokens that you pay real money for) for a chance to collect exchangeable tickets. Or betting on a horse in those horse races. Or online gambling/betting games or certain app games that utilize actual money. Even those $1-scratch-off cards and lottery tickets that can be purchased at a convenience store require a spending of money for a chance to gain riches.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

CQQ #1: An Off-Key Response...?

Sing it loud, sing it...okay, maybe not so loud?

While I was at home tuning in to a livestream of a church service one Sunday morning, I kept finding myself distracted by a volunteer front stage singing off-key in the choir. My ears are sensitive to super loud and uncomfortable noises, which can sometimes be difficult for me to tune out. I don't consider myself an expert when it comes to singing. But here is this person, expressing their love for God, singing with all their heart to a beautiful worship song, all with the best of intentions...and they sound, well...tone-deaf. And it made me feel a little guilty that I was feeling a bit put-off by the sound of this one volunteer, who most likely really enjoyed what they're doing.
Since it was a livestream (and I don't know the person), chances are I'd probably say nothing and go on with my day. But I imagine it may be different confronting a loved one or someone you know personally. Some people can be very sensitive when it comes to hearing criticism about the sound of their voice, while others not so much.