Friday, March 8, 2019

FFT #5: Help! Are You Listening?

[Link Reading Time: ~2-3 minutes]

How would you rate your listening skills?
[Click here to view the blog article.]

It's easy to take our ears for granted. Some of us hold so tightly to the way we use our time, careful not to waste every second. In doing this we sometimes fail to reap the greater benefits of sparing some time to really listen.
Some of us are big talkers, but how much time do we spend listening?
Take some time to listen and check out this article from Brenda Ferguson via her blog, Becoming His Tapestry. It's definitely worth considering!

(Article is approx. 2-3 minutes long.)

Monday, March 4, 2019

FFT #4: Confessions of a Skeptic

[Link Reading Time: ~12-13 minutes]

What made one skeptic turn to faith?
[Click here to view the testimony.]

Some skeptics can appear so confident in their skepticism. So what made this one skeptic decide to believe and put faith in something beyond our human understanding? Is there any logic and reasoning behind the idea of faith?
If you yourself are a skeptic, perhaps you may be surprised.
Read on and reconsider in this open testimony from MichaelF via his blog, The Shepherd's Voice. Thank you for sharing your story and your thoughts regarding the Resurrection of Christ.

(Article is approx. 12-13 minutes long.)