(Last updated on November 25, 2019 @ 10:49 PM.)
+ Special Thanks +
Those who have made a more personal, positive impact in my life in a very significant or memorable way. A great big thanks for your wonderful, beautiful hearts in the progress of my journey!
💐 God Almighty / Christ Jesus / The Holy Spirit
Heavenly Father, Lord, Savior, King, Creator, True Light and Good Shepherd... There are just never enough words to describe how wonderful You are and how You've impacted my life and still do to this day. You are truly indescribable, and Your perfect love is incomparable. Through darkness and light, You are always there for me when I need You most, teaching me something new, and inspiring me on my journey. Thank You so much for everything You've done, do, and will do. Amen.
💐 My earth dad
We both know that life's been far from peaceful with our family. Despite those difficulties, I've seen your heart; you're the one member I know who's actively trying to grow in love and spirit and wants to see me succeed. Thank you for what you've done and how you've supported me during my journey.
💐 Barbara M.
You were a wonderful classmate and an easy person to chat with. Always kind, welcoming, and very supportive like a grandmother figure. Our time discussing Shakespearean literature and sharing spiritual encouragement to each other really meant a lot to me, and I still remember to this day. Wherever you are now, thank you for the difference you've made in my life.
Met some extra supportive pals over on Twitter. I want to thank you guys and gals for your extra kindness and encouragement!

+ Twitter Supporters +
Met some extra supportive pals over on Twitter. I want to thank you guys and gals for your extra kindness and encouragement!
💐 Adam
💐 Alec K.
💐 Barry N.
💐 Cheryl S.
💐 Dani
💐 Dilip J.
💐 Helen
💐 Alec K.
💐 Barry N.
💐 Cheryl S.
💐 Dani
💐 Dilip J.
💐 Helen
💐 Honnie
💐 Jerald
💐 J.K.R.
💐 Joanne T.
💐 Julianne
💐 Katharine S.
💐 Kyla F.
💐 Marie
💐 Michelle F.
💐 Paul A.
💐 Rob M.
💐 Robert P.
💐 Ryan M.
💐 Sandra
💐 Sands W.
💐 Sebastian
💐 Sue H.
💐 Tara H.
💐 Jerald
💐 J.K.R.
💐 Joanne T.
💐 Julianne
💐 Katharine S.
💐 Kyla F.
💐 Marie
💐 Michelle F.
💐 Paul A.
💐 Rob M.
💐 Robert P.
💐 Ryan M.
💐 Sandra
💐 Sands W.
💐 Sebastian
💐 Sue H.
💐 Tara H.

+ Patreon Supporters +
Money may not grow on trees (though I hear it comes from cotton, which comes from a plant), but genuine kindness will produce good fruit.
This section is dedicated to the lovely Supporters on Patreon who have contributed to the growth of this blog through their donations. Each and every Supporter gets to have his/her name featured on this page (real name, username, or unique nickname, your choice of how we identify you as long as it's not inappropriate)—one way for me to express my thanks and commemorate your kindness.
Supporters may also choose a fun fruit, veggie, nut, or flower/plant emoji to go in front of their name on the list!
🍎 Apple! 🍏 Green Apple! 🥑 Avocado! 🍌 Banana! 🥬 Bok Choy!
🥦 Broccoli! 🥕 Carrot! 🍒 Cherries! 🌰 Chestnut! 🥥 Coconut!
🌽 Corn! 🥒 Cucumber! 🍆 Eggplant! 🍇 Grapes! 🥝 Kiwi Fruit!
🍋 Lemon! 🥭 Mango! 🍈 Melon! 🍑 Peach! 🥜 Peanuts!
🍐 Pear! 🌶️ Pepper! 🍍 Pineapple! 🥔 Potato! 🍓 Strawberry!
🍠 Sweet Potato! 🍊 Tangerine! 🍅 Tomato! 🍉 Watermelon!
🌼 Daisy! 🌵 Cactus! 🍀 Clover! 🌿 Herb! 🌺 Hibiscus!
🍁 Maple Leaf! 🌾 Rice Crop! 🌹 Rose! 🏵️ Rosette! 🌸 Sakura!
☘️ Shamrock! 🌻 Sunflower! 🌷 Tulip! 💮 White Flower!
Once confirmed as a Supporter or higher tier Patron, you may send a private message via Patreon or use the Contact Form on the right of this blog, with your chosen emoji and the name you wish to use for adding you to the list below.

A great big thanks to all of you for your beautiful and generous hearts of gold!
🥕 adambunny
🥑 FIG777
🌾 Genesis
🌸 HonnieBunnie007
🍏 Rob Moore
🌻 Robert Pemberton
🌷 Sue H.
Let's live, learn, and love creatively, with soft hearts and strong minds!
🥕 adambunny
🥑 FIG777
🌾 Genesis
🌸 HonnieBunnie007
🍏 Rob Moore
🌻 Robert Pemberton
🌷 Sue H.
Let's live, learn, and love creatively, with soft hearts and strong minds!
God bless, thanks for reading, and enjoy your visit!
~ Fleecy