Sunday, June 30, 2019

CQQ #9: Guardian Angels...?

Is there a guardian angel watching over you?

Angels. A topic that may fascinate many and has its popularity in media and merchandising, yet we know so little about them.

Some bible verses have been quoted by others to speculate on or suggest the idea of guardian angels, angels that supposedly watch over a child or person they're assigned to watch, with one in particular from the words of Christ Himself...

Sunday, June 23, 2019

CQQ #8: Accountability Partners...?

Hey friend, how's your prayer life?

Thank you, Rob Moore, for suggesting this topic!

Having done a lot of growing alone with God on my spiritual journey, I can't really say a whole lot about the topic of accountability partners and their effectiveness. But perhaps some of you readers can.

I can say, however, that it is certainly a healthy thing to give yourself time away from your busy life to reflect on your spiritual walk. I often do so in the mornings (while reading daily devotionals) and pretty much anytime I talk to/connect with God during my alone time. Whether alone or with a friend/partner, I encourage spiritual checkups, not as a means to harshly criticize yourself in your failures, but rather as a means to look at your life honestly, learn and grow, develop healthy spiritual habits, bring to light any struggles you're dealing with, and connect deeper.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

CQQ #7: A New Society...?

An entire island inhabited by Christians? An all-Christian society?

Thank you, FIG777, for inspiring this topic!

Would it be possible for Christians to move to an uninhabited island to form their own society?

...Should they?

With the displeasure many followers of Christ express over our world today, the idea would perhaps sound tempting. But there's also the mission to consider: "proclaim the gospel to all nations".

And there's the concern about division. With the numerous churches and denominations, who's to say that everyone would still be on the same page? If even our churches are divided, would it really be any different from the division we still face today?

Then there's perhaps the scenario of war or tragedy; if, say, an enemy who hated Christianity were to take the opportunity to eradicate all citizens located in one place; would this make Christians an easier target? A more frequent target?

Or perhaps I'm overthinking it. Either way, this topic could leave room for plenty of speculation.