Sunday, February 23, 2020

CQQ #33: Church Denominations...?

Can church denominations bring glory to God?

Thank you, Rob Moore, for suggesting this topic!

Supposedly the church is described as being one body and encouraged to glorify God in harmony and "with one voice" (Romans 15:5-6).

So why are there so many church denominations?

Sunday, February 9, 2020

CQQ #32: Judging Others...?

OBJECTION! Your metaphorical gavel is unreasonably large.

Thank you, HonnieBunnie007, for suggesting this topic!

When it comes to the topic of judging others, I often see two extremes: the side that says we shouldn't judge ever, and the side that's super quick to slam the gavel over a person's every move (with nearly every verdict being guilty).

Is there a right way to judge?